It was noted that the number of blocked websites varied according to the date of monitoring.The number of blocked websites varies according to each network of the four companies which were monitored by AFTE (WE, Vodafone, Orange and Etisalat).Some websites are permanently accessible, others are intermittent. Since until the end of June 2020, AFTE has identified at least 549 blocked Websites.Sometimes results of examining blocking are variable, if different methods were used to write the scope of blocked domains (adding/not adding WWW) or using HTTPS protocol.No official data has been issued by the various telecommunications companies, the NTRA or MCIT, and therefore no government data has been relied upon to confirm or deny the blocking practices, with the exception of some material published in newspapers and on news websites concerning the 33 websites which were blocked by a decision from the Committee for the Inventory, Seizure, and Management of Muslim Brotherhood Funds, in addation to 11 other websites which were blocked by a decision from the Supreme Council for Media Regulation (SCMR).We also followed user publications on social networks that reported their inability to access certain websites. We communicated with users – directly or via social networks – who are using different networks to ensure that they can access blocked websites.

AFTE used the Tor browser to make sure that these blocked websites work outside Egypt.

AFTE compares the results obtained through the tool with the results of other tests published by users from Egypt. It also allows users to publish test results. OONI Probe enables testing the blocking of websites, as well as another spectrum of network tests. AFTE used the Tor Project (OONI Probe), a free software and observatory that acts as a network to detect surveillance, control and interference with Internet traffic.In this document, AFTE publishes a periodic update of blocked websites in Egypt, including surrounding circumstances and classification of blocked sites. Thousands of Websites are collaterally blocked in Egypt.By judicial decree… a reading in the YouTube block verdict”.Closing windows… internet surveillance in Egypt.By decree sometimes… on website blocks in Egypt.Decision by an unknown authority … on the block of websites in Egypt.Later authorities expanded the block to include a large number of websites that provide various content and services reaching up to at least 549 sites AFTE produced several reports on the situation of internet surveillance in Egypt, that can be accessed on the following links: On the 24 th of May 2017 Egyptian authorities blocked 21 websites.